Economic Contribution of Recreational Hunting and Shooting to the Tasmanian Economy

A report into the economic contribution of recreational hunting and sports shooting in Tasmania has been released. This report is promulgated on a similar basis to reports done in other States, however, is unique in that it also includes Sport & Target shooting.  The information is presented in three sub sectors, deer hunting, other hunting and Sport & Target shooting. The survey data was collected from holders of Tasmanian Game Licences in the 2022 game season and firearms licensees holding a reason I (Sport & Target) endorsement; the scope of the study for the report was limited to the expenditure that occurred in undertaking activities in Tasmania during the 12 months prior to the survey, which was conducted 22 February – 15 March 2023.

The study also provides a profile of this section of hunting and shooting community, highlighting the motivations and connection of a broad cross section of the community to these activities.

The report was promised as part of the Rockliff Liberal Government’s 2021 Protecting the Tasmanian Way of Life of Recreational Hunting Policy.

Total Expenditure by this group (includes out of state purchases) was estimated to be more than 133 million. The economic model estimated the total contribution of the sector to the Tasmanian economy (Gross State Product) was more than $88 million, including $48 million directly, and more than $40 million in flow on contributions.

It also identified that recreational hunting and sports shooting contributed to 438 direct full time equivalent jobs and a further 238 flow-on FTE jobs.

The report can be viewed and downloaded at